Thursday, 30 October 2014


I went to Vancouver to compare that city with Toronto for living and also moving my business. We decided to go by car although it was very far from our city(around 20 hours drive). The Road in Saskatchewan and some part of Alberta was flat and a little bit boring but the rest of the way was so beautiful and exiting with a nice riverbed view.

Grater Vancouver is the most expensive city across Canada. Although it is a very big city but the most part of that looks like a big country. Every where is green and woody, houses are not close together and some of them are behind the trees so it is hard to see them. Annually precipitation is around 1200 mm, that's why every where is green and beautiful. The richest people usually lives in West Vancouver and North Vancouver so you can find some house's price up to 20 million dollars there. 

Many things to establish a business in Vancouver is similar to Toronto. In one word, easy to find employees and hard to compete in business. I believe that in these situations every family has to have an alternative job or business. In fact, "Not to put all your eggs in one basket."

Wednesday, 29 October 2014


Last month I went to Toronto to do some research about my business. As I had closed up my business in Saskatoon it was necessary to find a better place to move. First of all I made an appointment with the manager of a clinic in downtown. I met her and I believe that meeting was helpful because I got many information about marketing and finding practitioners that I never knew before. 

In this trip I could met a Doctor who worked with me in Saskatoon before. I noticed that although it is easy to find a practitioner in Toronto but there are many competition in this area whereas in Saskatoon our service was unique and there was not any competitor. Of course it is very hard to find proper practitioner in Saskatoon.

I also visited a vacant office for rent, a very spacious office with five large rooms and beautiful reception area with very low price for the rent. It was very interesting for me because the rent of a same office in Saskatoon was at least twice. on the other hand, I saw a sign of a same clinic which was closed in that building. Both of them was a kind of portent for me and said:" you should be careful!"

I believe that it was a successful business trip, not to find a better location but finding more information to compare situations between two cities. Next time I have to prepare more appointments to see more people and places so that I have a comprehensive inference.

After some correction,


Last month I went to Toronto to do some research on my business. As I had closed up my business in Saskatoon, it was necessary to find a better place to move to. First of all I made an appointment with the manager of a clinic in downtown Toronto. that meeting was helpful because I got a lot of information about marketing and staffing.
I could also met a Doctor who worked with me in Saskatoon before. I noticed that although it is easy to find a practitioner in Toronto, there are much competition this area whereas in Saskatoon our service was unique with no competitor. Of course On the other hand, it is very hard to find a proper practitioner in Saskatoon.

I also visited a vacant office for rent, a very spacious office with five large rooms and a beautiful reception area at a very low price for the rent. It was very interesting for me because the rent of a same office in Saskatoon was at least twice as much. on the other hand, I saw a sign of a clinic with the same services which was closed in that building. Both of them(cheap rent and closed clinic) were a kind of
portent for me and alarmed," you should be careful!"

I believe that it was a successful business trip, not to find a better location but make it parallel more information to compare situations between the two cities. Next time I have to prepare more appointments to see more people and places so that I can come to a better-informed decision.

Saturday, 5 July 2014

This is your medical history form, to be completed prior to your first training session. All information will be kept confidential. This information will be used for the evaluation of your health and readiness to begin our exercise program. The form is extensive, but please try to make it as accurate and complete as possible. Please take your time and complete it carefully and thoroughly, and then review it to be certain you have not left anything out. Your answers will help us design a comprehensive program that meets your individual needs.

If you have questions or concerns, we will help you with those after this form is completed. We realize that some parts of the form will be unclear to you. Do your best to complete the form. Your questions will be thoroughly addressed afterwards. It might be helpful for you to keep a written list of questions or concerns as you complete the medical history form.

Name: Mohsen Moharer______________________________________________________________
Date:   July, 1, 2014_________________________________________________________________

General Information
Name       Mohsen Moharer___________________________________________________________
Address   118 Laurentian Drive, Saskatoon, SK, S7H 4M2__________________________________
Contact phone numbers  306 242 8595__________________________________________________
Birth date September, 03, 1991_______________________________________________________
Family Physician and/or Primary Health Care Provider:
Doctor/Other Dr. Farzin Kasmayeefar____________    Phone 306 244 1234____________________
Address   244 8th Street______________________    City Saskatoon________________________

May I send a copy of your consultation to your physician or primary health care provider and consult with them as necessary?
= Yes                        o No

Marital Status:
= Single                     o Married                      o   Divorced                o    Widowed
= Male                      o Female
o Grade School          o Jr. High School           o   High School
= College (2-4 years)   o Graduate School         o   Degree _______________
Position   Cab driver__________________________    Employer  Blue line_____________________
Address   244 23th Street, Saskatoon__________________________________________________
Phone      306 244 1234______________________________________________________________

What is (are) your purpose (s) for participation in this Fitness Program?
=     To determine my current level of physical fitness and to receive recommendations for an exercise program.
o__ Other (please explain) _________________________________________________________
Present Medical History
Check those questions to which you answer yes (leave the others blank).
¨        Has a doctor ever said your blood pressure was too high?
¨        Do you ever have pain in your chest or heart?
¨        Are you often bothered by a thumping of the heart?
¨        Does your heart often race?
¨        Do you ever notice extra heartbeats or skipped beats?
+     Are your ankles often badly swollen?
¨        Do cold hands or feet trouble you even in hot weather?
¨        Has a doctor ever said that you have or have had heart trouble, an abnormal electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG), heart attack or coronary?
+     Do you suffer from frequent cramps in your legs?
¨        Do you often have difficulty breathing?
¨        Do you get out of breath long before anyone else?
¨        Do you sometimes get out of breath when sitting still or sleeping?
¨        Has a doctor ever told you your cholesterol level was high?
¨        Has a doctor ever told you that you have an abdominal aortic aneurysm?
¨        Has a doctor ever told you that you have critical aortic stenosis?
Comments: ___________________________________________________________________
Do you now have or have you recently experienced:
¨        Chronic, recurrent or morning cough?
¨        Episode of coughing up blood?
¨        Increased anxiety or depression?
¨        Problems with recurrent fatigue, trouble sleeping or increased irritability?
¨        Migraine or recurrent headaches?
+     Swollen or painful knees or ankles?
¨        Swollen, stiff or painful joints?
+     Pain in your legs after walking short distances?
¨        Foot problems?
¨        Back problems?
¨        Stomach or intestinal problems, such as recurrent heartburn, ulcers, constipation or diarrhea?
¨        Significant vision or hearing problems?
¨        Recent change in a wart or a mole?
¨        Glaucoma or increased pressure in the eyes?
¨        Exposure to loud noises for long periods?
¨        An infection such as pneumonia accompanied by a fever?
¨        Significant unexplained weight loss?
¨        A fever, which can cause dehydration and rapid heart beat?
¨        A deep vein thrombosis (blood clot)?
¨        A hernia that is causing symptoms?
+     Foot or ankle sores that won’t heal?
¨        Persistent pain or problems walking after you have fallen?
¨        Eye conditions such as bleeding in the retina or detached retina?
¨        Cataract or lens transplant?
¨        Laser treatment or other eye surgery?
Comments: ___________________________________________________________________
Women only answer the following. Do you have:
¨        Menstrual period problems?
¨        Significant childbirth - related problems?
¨        Urine loss when you cough, sneeze or laugh?
Date of the last pelvic exam and / or Pap smear __________________________________________
Comments: ___________________________________________________________________
Are you on any type of hormone replacement therapy?___________________________________________

Men and women answer the following:
List any prescription medications you are now taking:   Glucophage oral  ___________________________
List any self-prescribed medications, dietary supplements, or vitamins you are now taking:  Multivitamin , Calcium   
Date of last complete physical examination: ___________________________________________________
o Normal                   o Abnormal                   o   Never                     =    Can’t remember
Date of last chest X-ray:____________________________________________________________________
= Normal                   o Abnormal                   o   Never                     o    Can’t remember
Date of last electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG): _______________
o Normal                   o Abnormal                   =   Never                     o    Can’t remember
Date of last dental check up:  _____________________________
o Normal                   = Abnormal                   o   Never                     o    Can’t remember
List any other medical or diagnostic test you have had in the past two years:  N/A____________________
List hospitalizations, including dates of and reasons for hospitalization:  In 2002 I was in hospital for my broken leg.
List any drug allergies: N/A_________________________________________________________
Past Medical History
Check those questions to which your answer is yes (leave others blank).
¨        Heart attack if so, how many years ago? ________
¨        Rheumatic Fever
¨        Heart murmur
¨        Diseases of the arteries
¨        Varicose veins
¨        Arthritis of legs or arms
+     Diabetes or abnormal blood-sugar tests
¨        Phlebitis (inflammation of a vein)
¨        Dizziness or fainting spells
¨        Epilepsy or seizures
¨        Stroke
¨        Diphtheria
¨        Scarlet Fever
¨        Infectious mononucleosis
+     Nervous or emotional problems
¨        Anemia
¨        Thyroid problems
¨        Pneumonia
¨        Bronchitis
¨        Asthma
¨        Abnormal chest X-ray
¨        Other lung disease
+     Injuries to back, arms, legs or joint
+     Broken bones
¨        Jaundice or gall bladder problems
Comments: ___________________________________________________________________

Family Medical History
= Alive                       Current age _51_________
My father's general health is:
o Excellent                = Good                        o   Fair                       o    Poor
Reason for poor health:____________________________________________________________
o Deceased                o Age at death _____________
Cause of death:___________________________________________________________________________
= Alive                       Current age _41_________
My mother's general health is:
o Excellent                = Good                      o   Fair                       o    Poor
Reason for poor health:_____________________________________________________
o Deceased                o Age at death _____________
Cause of death: __________________________________________________________________________

Number of brothers _1_____ Number of sisters __1____ Age range  11 and 18______________________
Health problems  My sister has diabetes ______________________________________________________

Familial Diseases
Have you or your blood relatives had any of the following (include grandparents, aunts and uncles, but exclude cousins, relatives by marriage and half-relatives)?
Check those to which the answer is yes (leave other blank).
¨     Heart attacks under age 50
¨     Strokes under age 50
+    High blood pressure
+    Elevated cholesterol
+    Diabetes
¨     Asthma or hay fever
¨     Congenital heart disease (existing at birth but not hereditary)
¨     Heart operations
¨     Glaucoma
¨     Obesity (20 or more pounds overweight)
¨     Leukemia or cancer under age 60
Comments: ___________________________________________________________________

Other Heart Disease Risk Factors

Have you ever smoked cigarettes, cigars or a pipe?
o Yes                        = No
 (If no, skip to diet section)
If you did or now smoke cigarettes, how many per day?   ______________    Age started ______________
If you did or now smoke cigars, how many per day? ________ Age started  
If you did or now smoke a pipe, how many pipefuls a day? _____________    Age started ______________
If you have stopped smoking, when was it? ____________________________________________________
If you now smoke, how long ago did you start? _________________________________________________

What do you consider a good weight for yourself?  80____________________________________________
What is the most you have ever weighed (including when pregnant)? 108____________________________
How old were you?  20_________________
My current weight is:  87_______________
One year ago my weight was:  95________
At age 21 my weight was:  98___________

Number of meals you usually eat per day: _3______________________________________

Number of times per week you usually eat the following:
Beef  5_____________      Fish  2_____________ Desserts  7__________
Pork  0_____________      Fowl  4____________ Fried Foods 7_________

Number of servings (cups, glasses, or containers) per week you usually consume of:
Homogenized (whole) milk  5 cups______ Buttermilk  0___________________ Skim (nonfat) milk 0
2% (low-fat) milk  0___________________ 1% (low-fat) milk  0______________ Coffee  7 cups____________
Tea (iced or not)  5 cups______________ Regular or diet sodas  0__________ Glasses of water 21cups___

Do you ever drink alcoholic beverages?
= Yes                     o No

If yes, what is your approximate intake of these beverages?
o None                       o Occasional                 =   Often                     If often, __5_ per week

o None                       = Occasional                 o   Often                     If often, _____ per week

Hard Liquor:
= None                       o Occasional                 o   Often                     If often, _____ per week

At any time in the past, were you a heavy drinker (consumption of six ounces of hard liquor per day or more)?
o Yes                        = No
Comments: ___________________________________________________________________

Do you usually use oil or margarine in place of high cholesterol shortening or butter?
o Yes                        = No
Do you usually abstain from extra sugar usage?
o Yes                        = No
Do you usually add salt at the table?
= Yes                        o No
Do you eat differently on weekends as compared to weekdays?
o Yes                        = No
Comments: ___________________________________________________________________